2. Why have a government? – A question.

Why have a government at all?

Rather than tell people what the role of government should be, it is better to ask questions and see if the answers lead towards some kind of conclusion.

Here is a seemingly simple question;

  • ‘’What do you think the role of government should be?’’


However such a question is actually quite problematic because many people will automatically have preconceived ideas of what government should be about.  This arises because an open ended question like this beckons you to assume a top down approach which is the wrong starting point.

A good question is one that asks you think about important issues.  It also puts the question in the YOU perspective, after all a government for the people should govern on behalf of the people.

A better question is actually on the face of it unrelated to government at all, and doesn’t assume there is a role for government at any level.  The question is;

  • ‘’What is the worst thing that could happen to you?’’


Next: Why have a Government? – An answer.


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